About the Foundation
The Molly Steinsapir Foundation honors the life and legacy of Molly Steinsapir,who passed away at the age of 12, on February 15, 2021.The Foundation’s purpose is to advance charitable causes that Molly cared deeply about.

1,576,170 minutes without Molly - where we go from here

#TEAMMOLLY Supports Newly Housed Angelinos

Molly's LIght Movie
We are so proud of #MollysLight, the short animated film created by our family and friends and based on a poem Molly wrote at age 12. It’s been viewed over 2 million times, and throughout the world!

Donations to the Molly Steinsapir Foundation help us continue to fund our charitable endeavors in Molly Olivia’s name.
The Molly Steinsapir Foundation is a CA 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
Also, search “Molly Steinsapir Foundation” and make us your Amazon Smile charity!
The Molly Steinsapir Early Childhood Center
KI has honored our family and the memory of Molly by renaming the nursery school to the Molly Steinsapir Early Childhood Center.

Kaye's Blog
Kaye Steinsapir’s blog is full of memories of Molly, Foundation updates, and announcements about merchandise and upcoming events.