
Dreams of Molly

I’ve been wanting to compile these dreams for awhile. I don’t want to forget them. As I collected them in one place, I was awestruck by how Molly helps to mend our broken hearts as we sleep and that she sends messages through many of you. I’m sure this list...

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#TEAMMOLLY and the #GiveUpGiveBack Challenge

Dear family, friends, neighbors and kind citizens of the world: Please join me in a social media campaign to honor our daughter, Molly Olivia Steinsapir, who lived on Earth for 12 years but will never stop #MakingADifferenceEveryDay. These words became a hashtag because Molly lived them. Since she passed away...

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We Celebrate Even As We Mourn

Originally posted on social media on April 27, 2021 I had no idea that cancer was spreading like wildfire in my body after Eli was born. Thank you, G-d, for entrusting us with this child who brightens our darkest days. Thank you, younger self, for following your heart when it...

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The Molly Steinsapir Early Childhood Center at Kehillat Israel

I am overjoyed that our synagogue, Kehillat Israel, has named its preschool the Molly Steinsapir Early Childhood Center. We are humbled by this tremendous honor for Molly and our family. Molly’s time there was transformative. Although she started as a new student in her pre-k year, Molly immediately felt at...

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