Originally posted on social media on May 4, 2021 This picture of Molly flipping off the camera is one of our favorites, although her friend was afraid to show it to us. They were joking about a teacher who caused Molly a lot of stress. He didn’t understand her ADHD...
Originally posted on social media on April 28, 2021 This photo is of me and my childhood best friend, Tera. Before I was married, had kids, cancer or lived through the death of my precious child, Tera and I grew up together in Fresno. For those who don’t know, Fresno...
Originally posted on social media on April 11, 2021 My grandpa, Dr. Paul Chaffee, is extraordinary. The most gentle human I’ve ever known; his life’s mission was caring for animals. Grandpa died when I was 12, exactly Molly’s age. I remember my teacher gave me a card - isn’t it...
Originally posted on social media on March 31, 2021 I took the boys on a boat today. I didn’t share with them that we were not far from where Jon, his mom and I scattered Molly’s ashes. Molly loved the ocean since she was a baby. I can’t live without...
Originally posted on social media on March 2, 2021 We will always treasure this letter from Justice Sotomayor. I’ve been privileged to meet more than a few inspiring leaders during my life, but none who left such a lasting impression. Despite her workload, she composed this letter just two days...